Classic game, reborn for the web
This is the testimonial carousal made with vanilla javascript.
This is an Exchange Rate Converter Chrome Extension where anyone can convert their currency
Weather app made in reactjs using OpenWeather Api and GeoDbApi for city suggestions
A trait generator which decribers differnt traits on clicking the generate button
The project is a to-do list that lists your submitted tasks and allows you to delete them once the tasks are completed
You can create two types of background using this project. 1)Linear Background 2)Radial Background
It tests your memory and concentration skills as you try to follow the pattern of colors and sounds generated by the game.
Zoom API Helper is a Node.js package that provides a helper for simplifies managing meet.
Created Razorpay Clone which is the only payments solution in India that allows businesses to accept, process and disburse payments with its product suite.